
DECEMBER 16,1967 | MEMPHIS, TN - .Video is a primary mojo worker for me, moving, vibrant, audio-riific, promising a glorious consumation of almost every art that I love. Check out the recent work in video below.


Best (in post-production)

Best iexplores the promise and difficulties of raising a boy child in a time of war. It stars myself and my son, Orion Sikelalea Aguilar, and begins on the day before he was born....

more on Best


Winsome Newsom (in production)

Winsome Newsom is a playful, disjunctive portratit of power politics focused on the persona/ality Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco.

more on Winsome Newsom


God Given Wisdom from a Voice of Authority ( 7 minutes, 2005)

Winsom Newsom is a playful, disjunctive portratit of power politics focused on the persona/ality Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco.

more on Winsom Newsom


Night Work is a video colloboration with dancer and choregrapher Ted Warburton and is currently in planning and pre-production stage









Stacey Goodman artist video




Moving Pictures



Scenes from Best
Scenes from Winsom Newsomf

Scenes from Killer Christ  

God Given Wisdom from a Voice of Authority