Orion Goodman in Tribute



Oculus excerpt
(2008 - 4 minutes)

Oculus turns the tourism surounding the ancient Pantheon on its head by imagining what the 1,800 year old Roman momument would see if the building ever looked back through opening in its great dome known as the oculus, Latin for 'eye.'

Clarity, currently in pre-production, will focus on the walkers of the labyrinth laid in mosaic on the floor of San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral.



- excerpt
(2007 - 4 minute loop )

As I Age con

See and read more about  "Uncertain Closure" 


Uncertain Exposure - excerpt
(2007 - 11 minute loop )

from the "Uncertain Closure" series

Uncertain Exposure is about the uncertainty of sunlight of play on the horizon and how it images on film and video, as well as the strange, invisible toxins that hover over us.

See and read more about  "Uncertain Closure" 


Tribute (2006 - 29 minutes)

Tribute explores the promise and difficulties of raising a boy in a time of war. The video stars my son Orion, and the story begins the evening before he was born....

more on Tribute


Rituals of Sleep (2006 - 7:21 )

Rituals of Sleep is a two-channel video component directed and designed in collaboration with choreographer Ted Warburton and U C Santa Cruz  dance students.

more on Rituals of Sleep


God-Given Wisdom from a Voice of Authority ( 7 minutes, 2005)

God-given wisdom explores how authority is constructed through the omnipresent image, both past and present.

more on God-Given Wisdom











Stacey Goodman artist video


memory drum memorydrum
















Moving Pictures