Rituals of Sleep
(2006 - Running Time: 7:21 )

Excerpt from front projection

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Rituals of Sleep is a two-channel video component directed and designed in collaboration with choreographer Ted Warburton and U C Santa Cruz  dance students.

While Warburton's Night Work has as its theme the world after dark and the nature of sleep, Rituals of Sleep explores the routines we use to ease ourselves into relaxation and the essential loneliness of the mind at rest. The imagery recalls the mythic relationship we have with the nightime and is scored by Ravel's impressionistic La Vallee Des Cloches.

The projected video is comprised of archival footage found on Internet Archive (archive.org), footage of the dancers performing Warburton's choregraphed movements as well as improvisational movements inspired by the routines of home and sleep.


















Moving Pictures