The Bush Doctrine

In truth
We were all secular dogs
bowing towards the state
that precocious little lie
Where muslim jew and christian folk alike
Banished god from existence

I had an inkling of a doubt,
A half thought still lingering
inside my cerebrum like
Some tattered ghost
Whispering yo, wassup with you?
Are you really falling for this bullshit?

But, before I could open my eyes
There was Bush
standing in the road before me
Holding out his hand
Telling me that America still loved me
And would welcome me back into the mold
Damn, I thought,
the red states were right!
So, rising to my feet
I took W ‘s hand, which burned – the righteous devil he was
He said, you know what I got here
I said ‘what’
He said a miracle that somehows come true
And yes, before me
Was a ditch full of corpses,
each with a single
bullet to the head

Bush didn’t have to push, no,
I jumped in with glee
Joining my brothers and sisters
who were as blue
As California in 2004

Oh, it was the orgy I had longed for,
full of goo and dead meat
Bush cackled, This is the Acopocolisp, boy!
I thanked him by saying nothing

Moving Pictures


The Bush Doctrine
Seeking: A respectable god

How Hitler Won the War
(a novel)

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